1. Installation

Broh5 can be installed using pip, conda, or directly from the source. Users can also generate a standalone executable file for convenient usage.

1.1. Using pip

pip install broh5

Once installed, launching Broh5 with


1.2. Using conda

conda install -c conda-forge broh5

Same as above, launching Broh5 with:


1.3. Installing from source

To install broh5 from source using Conda:

  • Set up a conda environment:

    First, ensure that you have Conda installed. If not, install Miniconda or Anaconda.

    Create a new Conda environment. This ensures that any dependencies don’t interfere with your current Python projects. You can name it whatever you like, but for this example, we’ll call it broh5

    conda create -n broh5 python=3.10
    conda activate broh5
  • Clone the Repository:

    Use git to clone the broh5 repository

    git clone https://github.com/algotom/broh5.git broh5

    Navigate to the cloned directory

    cd broh5
  • Install the software:

    Using setup.py file by

    python setup.py install

    or pip

    pip install .


    • If you encounter an error related to fastapi and anyio, add the line “anyio<4.0.0” to the dependencies in setup.py.

    • If you encounter an error related to matplotlib and either PyQt5 or PySide2, install PySide2 using the command: pip install PySide2.

1.4. Generating a standalone executable file

If you would like to creating a standalone executable for broh5:

  • Install PyInstaller

    pip install pyinstaller
  • Generate the executable file by running generate_exe.py at the cloned directory

    python generate_exe.py
  • Navigate to the dist directory and run


    the generated file can be moved to another location for more convenient usage.